/ September 12, 2022

Space Camp

Space Camp is a 5 day adventure including numerous hands-on activities, both indoor and outdoor, including some special time in the Pierce College Science Dome (planetarium). Space Camp takes place in the summer (2023 dates TBD) and is open to middle and high school students.

  • Take real pictures of space with robotically controlled telescopes
  • Collaborate and compete with fellow campers on challenges and quests
  • Learn how to navigate the nighttime sky, discover the mysteries of the Solar System, plan a space mission, see the beauty in the life and death of stars and find your place among the galaxies of the universe!
  • Lunch provided

Register for camp at: piercecollegedome.ludus.com

Space camp is run by Pierce College students! Interested in being a camp leader? Contact Hillary Stephens, hstephens@pierce.ctc.edu, for more information

Pierce College Rocketry Club

The Pierce College Rocket Club is open to any Pierce College student who wants to build and launch rockets. Contact Phillip Forkner, pforkner@pierce.ctc.edu, for more information.

Institutional contact for WA Space Grant projects

Hillary Stephens